zondag 4 mei 2008

So this is

So this is what weekends of young families look like: taking the kids (in our case: kid) out to go and play with the kids of our friends. The parents can (in my case of a rather worried mother) kind of relax and have some wine while the children enjoy themselves. This hasn't always been my idea of a great exciting weekend, but I must admit, it was not bad, not bad at all! This was one of the first really sunny weekends and I enjoyed sitting in the garden a lot (or in our friends' garden to be exact).
It's wonderful to see our boy interact with other kids. He really looks up to bigger kids and tries to play with them (which they themselves don't always appreciate).

Tomorrow, it's back to work again. Difficult, after four days of holidays. But today I'm optimistic. I am investigating a possibility to (finally) publish my PhD. Kind of exciting. It's probably the only thing I ever wrote and still feel proud of after three years. We'll see if this is going anywhere. I'll also be going to a conference this week, something I haven't done since my son was born; and I'm working on a new research project. It's been a long time since I felt at least some (work related) ambition. I kind of gave up on that when I got pregnant, almost two and a half years ago. Having so stay at home (on the couch) for four months during that pregnancy probably didn't help. Not that I've been miserable all this time... not at all. I just felt very happily focussed on being a mother. Maybe I'll find my way again, in being several things at the same time.