donderdag 11 december 2008

Wolvendach = Wolvendael

My friend Marjan was right. Wolvendach is indeed Wolvendael! (see one of my June blogs, where I discussed the post card below:

Mademoiselle Lucie Noérenne (Nérenne?) must have been a servant there. I managed to find a picture postcard of the chateau. So, here it is:

It's a beautiful 19th century chateau in Vijlst Brussegem. At some point it was owned by the baron Léon de Viron (1866-1925). It's still private property and it's hard to find out more about it. All information is welcome. To be continued...

maandag 8 december 2008

Rzewski: sequel

I finally managed to find a recording of 'The People United Will Never be Defeated, played by Marc Hamelin. One of my husband's favourite piano players.

In brussels

While strolling in Brussels, I witnessed a rather unusual and surrealist scene.

dinsdag 2 december 2008


This is a very pretty portrait by the Dutch photographer Hendrik Kerstens. Needless to say he is inspired by Johannes Vermeer. Very beautiful.