dinsdag 3 juni 2008


Our house project is becoming more and more real. Today I went kitchen shopping with my mother. In this stage it was more like window shopping since we merely wanted some advice and an idea about the costs we could expect. Last week we'd already gone to Ikea. I saw one kitchen I kind of liked and decided to settle for an Ikea kitchen (instead of spending a fortune). But afterward my mom suggested we'd go to a fancier kitchen story nearby, just to have a look. Of course, I saw a kitchen I liked much better. So today we went back to the latter store to discuss the possibilities. After a two hour talk - in which we discussed ovens, micro waves, drawers, kitchen hoods, colours, marble... - we all agreed on a certain design. The shop assistant will now further develop the plan and get back to us in a couple of weeks. I was quite happy with it ... until she made (at the very end of the talk) a quick calculation and told us the kitchen would cost at least 3 times as much as the Ikea one. What a disappointment! (although this is what I could have expected) It was much too expensive for us. I was quite sarcastic about it all for a while and then decided to call a friend who'd recently renovated her house. She said something really helpful. The disappointment goes away once you've decided (even on the cheaper option) because you stop comparing. It's only at the moment of the decision that you can be quite dissatisfied with your options. I thought that really made sense. Ikea here I come!

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